Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

This morning I got the kids all dressed up in their cute little green outfits and out the door we went to a St. Patty's Day party with our Playgroup where we were treated with all sorts of yummy green desserts and treats.

You can't really read his shirt in these pictures, but it says, "Not lucky, just cute!"

Olivia just adores her brother

Next to mommy, Olivia just can't get enough of her brother. She thinks he is the funniest thing in the world and he keeps her soooooo entertained. This is an instance when I think having 2 kids is actually easier than 1. Here's a little video clip of them playing. Enjoy!

Our little ones

A few weeks ago a very generous friend of our Playgroup (www.nicolefields.com) offered to take some pictures of the kids at her house and they turned out great. The kids had a fun time playing around and Olivia was actually able to get in more smiles than her brother Cole. We love the pictures, thank you so much Nicole!!

There are too many to share them all, but here are some highlights :-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

T is for Tigerrrrrr

This past weekend we took Cole to a birthday party for one of our friends in the playgroup and they had a face painter there. She was awesome and turned the kids into bunnies, dogs, tigers and more. The greatest part was when the children saw their faces in the mirror for the first time. Complete shock :-)

After the party we took him downtown to the IMAX theater and Cole loved all of the attention he was getting. Then on the way home our Tiger finally feel asleep. You should have seen his face after the nap!!