Sunday, June 26, 2011

Little Gym

I signed Olivia up for "Little Gym" back in January to give her and I something to do together. We went every Monday while Cole was in preschool and oh my goodness did she love it!! It's basically an hour long class where she works on running, jumping, playing, tumbling, balancing etc... Every morning when we would get in the car, she would ask, "Mommy are we going to little gym today." It was really cute and I'm excited to start her back up in the fall.

On the last day of class they had a little "performance" so Daddy came with us and took some shots.

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Summer is finally upon us!! Yay for being able to sleep in and have lazy mornings around the house and yay for the warm weather and lots of pool time. So far we have been having a great summer and keeping busy. Both kids are in private swimming lessons this summer and are really enjoying them. Cole is learning freestyle and backstroke and learning how to take breaths. He loves his lessons and has a smile on his face the entire time. Olivia, on the other hand isn't as excited about the water but she is becoming more confident and learning to stick her head under the water.

Cole is also in a 5 week long Karate class thanks to a smoking deal I got on Groupon. He's going 1-2 times per week and really enjoying it. He also went to his first VBS camp last week at Bayside with two of his friends (and neighbors), Nolan and Enrico. They had a great time and I enjoyed some one on one time again with Olivia.

So below are some random shots of our summer thus far.......

Olivia and Marina enjoying some time outside

They found Cole's set of knee pads and elbow pads for his skateboard and were very excited to play dress up with them.

Cole and his friend Enrico on their way to the first day of camp. This is how they both showed up...same exact shoes, pirate bathing suits (in the same color) and t-shirts. So cute!!

Nolan, Enrico and Cole on their first day of VBS camp

My little crazy girl! I've been trying to listen to music more on the TV instead of watching shows, and every time I turn on the music, Olivia starts dancing and insists on dressing up. Here she is dancing to Lady Gaga :-)

Olivia's new trick = not sleeping in her own bed at night!!! About 2 minutes after we put her down at night, we hear her throw all of her baby dolls and other random toys from her crib and then she wonders around the upstairs until she finds a place that she wants to crash for the night. If Cole is asleep, she will usually go into his room, but if he is awake, he won't let her :-( So then she tries out our bed and we usually find her there. So the other night, when I went to check on her, I turn on the light, attempt to run up the stairs during my commercial break and accidentally step on this sleeping child. She knew better than to come all the way downstairs because Daddy or I would have put her back into her crib. Crazy girl!!

Jim tore his hamstring playing soccer a few weeks ago and picked up some ace bandages to wrap his leg in. The kids think these are the coolest thing ever and ask us to wrap their arms, legs etc... Fortunately he bought 2 so they can each have one. Jim got the idea to wrap them around each kid like a baby bjourn and carry their baby's in them. The kids thing this is pretty funny!

Cole's last day of Preschool

It's hard to believe Cole's first year of preschool has come and gone. My little boy is growing up :-( He had a great first year of school at Adventure Christian Preschool and I am so proud of the little man he is growing into. We love you Cole!!

Olivia, Mrs. Restori and Cole

Cole and Mrs. Schmidt

Cole and Dylan

Cole with his friends, Ketcher and Bianca