Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Muffins with Mommy

As a kickoff to a great Mother's Day weekend, the kids school hosted a Mommy and Muffins event where we had the opportunity to join them at school for muffins, juice and coffee and to spend some time in their classroom. The kids made cute little gifts for me for Mother's Day and were so excited to share their creations with me. I feel so blessed to be the Mother of these 3 kids and couldn't ask for anything more. Love you all and thank you for allowing me to have one of the best jobs in the world = a mother! xoxo

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Bella's Shower

My mom was thoughtful enough to host a little baby shower for Miss Bella while I was down in Southern California and we were lucky enough to spend the day with my closest family and friends. We all met at Maggiano's for lunch at South Coast plaza, one of my favorite places to eat, and a tradition in our family. I had such a fun time catching up with my girlfriends, that I never seem to be able to find the time to visit on our other trips down. Bella was spoiled with a whole bunch of adorable new clothes (this girl has more clothes than this mommy knows what to do with!) and we all had a great time. Mom - thank you so much for hosting such a fun afternoon! I love you! xoxo
Lesley, Michelle and Baby (due May 31st)

Thank you to all my friends and family who came to the shower. Love you guys!

Isabella with her Nanna and Grandma (one very lucky little girl!)

Checking out her yummy cake.

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Isabella meets her great grandfather

87 years separating these two lives.

Michelle's Baby Shower

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Kristen's visit

My sister flew up in April with her two sons, Alec and Liam to meet baby Bella and spend some time with their cousins. We have officially maxed out the seats in my big 'ol SUV, so I'm not sure what we are going to do if she has another. Trailer maybe?? We had a crazy fun filled couple of days with all of the kids and are so thankful they made the journey :-)

The Meyer girls!

Bella at 25 days old :0
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