Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun after nap time

These days Cole waits to hear Olivia on the monitor and then heads upstairs to "wake her up" after her naps. He climbs in the crib, turns on her mobile and plays with his baby sister. He insists that I wait downstairs while he does this, but of course, I am two steps behind him and watch from the door, just to make sure he doesn't squish her. After nap time today, we played around in her crib and had some fun. How cute are they....?
The volleyball was a gift from my mom at my baby shower because I played volleyball most of my life and it also consumed my mom's life. She always said that the day I had a little girl, she was going to give her a volleyball so that she can put her through everything I put my poor mom through. Thanks MOM!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter 2009

Click on picture to enlarge

Costco here we come.....

Our first trip to Costco and I could FINALLY put both kids in the front of the cart. Now that Olivia has started sitting up so well, I no longer have to carry her around in the Bjorn (which hurts my back after an hour or so of shopping). Cole was not too excited about sharing the front seat with her, but after I started giving him the samples, he forgot all about it.

Note: The photo was appropriately taken in front of the alcohol section :-)

A Visit from Lindsey

Last weekend, one of my best friends from college (USD) came to visit us and we had a great time. She flew in on Friday and greeted the kids at the airport with gifts(she knows how to win them over!). She brought Olivia an adorable little hat that just happened to match the outfit she was wearing perfectly and she gave Cole a stuffed blue shark that also turns into a pillow at night. Thank you Lindsey!!!

On Saturday, Jim took Cole to a birthday party so that we could have a "girls" day at the Fountains, so Olivia joined us, and we actually got to shop! I didn't buy anything, but at least I actually got to walk around in the stores and look around without trying to watch after two kids. We had a yummy "not so healthy lunch" at the "Counter" for burgers and then went home to enjoy some ice cold margaritas on this ridiculously hot Apil day (it was in the mid 90's). On Sunday, we made the treck to Old Town Sac to walk around and had lunch down there. On Monday, we headed out the mall to meet up with one of our mutual friends from college and her little daughter, who just turned one. All in all, a great little weekend and I had so much fun hanging out with you Lindsey. Thanks for making the trip and thank you for taking such great care of my kiddos!

Here are some pictures of the gifts she brought for the kids.....

The kids in old town Sac

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Grandma comes to visit!!!

Last week my mom came up for 3 days to spend some time with us and hang out with the grand kids. We had a busy, fun-filled 3 days and really enjoyed having her here. Thanks for all of your help mom. Your welcome to come back anytime!!!

Cole and Grandma at "Wacky Tacky". I have to give her credit, she spent about an hour running around this place with Cole climbing walls, going down slides, crawling through tunnels and shooting balls and YES, she was sore the next day :-)

Grandma with her Granddaughter. She make not look like her, but the blue eyes are from her.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Time for Hunting

On Monday, our playgroup had our annual Easter Egg Hunt and we all had such a fun time. The weather was just PERFECT and the kids had such a blast running around the park finding all of the eggs. Cole was totally into it this year except for the fact that he wanted to open each and every egg after he found them, instead of putting them in his basket and hunting for more. Olivia was on the sidelines this year, hanging out with the other babies in the shade, but next year, they will all be able to participate.

Olivia was there too!

Hanging out with the other babies

Boys will be boys...

Grandma came up from Southern California to visit us for a few days and bought Cole a new workbench complete with tools and all for his Easter present. He has been having a blast playing with it and using all of his new tools, but tonight we "caught" him finding a new use for one tool in particular. He was actually doing it early and laughing histerically, but I wasn't able to catch it on camera, but you will get the idea.

A Woman after my own heart

Need I say more....wine and chocolate. Olivia is learning from a very young age, the important things in life :-)