Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

On Wednesday we headed out to a St. Patricks Day party at one of our friends house. I woke up thinking to myself, oh no, what am I going to have the kids wear? Last year, I planned ahead and bought them each something to wear. This year, not so lucky. I went to Cole's closet first and was able to dig out his shirt from last year and it still fit! Yeah for us! Next up, Olivia. She got this adorable dress for Christmas and hasn't been able to wear it yet because of the cold weather. Cole made sure Daddy didn't leave the house without wearing green so he wouldn't get pinched! I decided to take this opportunity to get some quick family shots.

And because it's always fun to take a look we are a year ago today. Check out how much Olivia has changed! My baby isn't a baby anymore.

San Francisco

Early last week Jim remembered that he had a free night at a Marriott hotel that was about to expire so we decided we had had enough of the snow and decided to head into San Francisco. Jim took Thursday and Friday off from work (yeah for us!) and we left Thursday morning. It was an absolutely beautiful and I MEAN beautiful spring day in the city. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the temperature was just perfect. After the 2 hour car ride, we decided to take the kids to Golden Gate Park to let out some energy and run around. Jim's high school friend, Angie, recommended the perfect park for us. For any of you out there that have kids and plan to go to SF, check out this place, it was a great park and the kids had a total blast!

Check out the cool slides at this park. They were made of cement and built into the hill. The kids were finding pieces of cardboard to sit on that would make them slide super fast.

Here comes Cole!

Spiderman Cole climbing his "web". He loved playing on this thing.

Cole and daddy playing on their "web!"

Olivia playing on her slide. Oh how she loves the slide. She goes on them over and over and over again!

Olivia catching a ride with Daddy.

After playing at the park for a few hours and grabbing some lunch, we headed down to Fisherman's Wharf and to check into our hotel. By that time, the temperature started dropping, so we bundled up, walked around the pier and enjoyed the crazy people that SF always has to offer.

Mommy and Cole riding the carousel while Olivia was getting some beauty sleep.

Jim and Cole watching the street performers.

We had a nice dinner at the wharf and then headed back to the hotel. Since Jim travels so much he is supposed to get automatic upgrades at the hotels if they are available. Well when we checked in they wouldn't give us the suite and told us they needed to keep it available, but since we didn't get back until 8:00 that night, I though it didn't hurt to ask again and sure enough, they said we could have it. Whooo hooo! We were just staying at the Marriott Courtyard, so it wasn't so much this amazing "suite" as it is 2 rooms!!! For those of you who travel alot with kids, you know the value in having 2 separate sleeping spaces. I was so glad because Olivia is the lightest sleeper and wakes up at every little thing. Not to mention, she goes down at 8:00, which makes for an early night for the rest of. So anyways, while Jim worked on moving all of our luggage, I ran to the new room and threw the kids in the tub. They were happily playing with the new sand toys we bought them, when all of a sudden, I look down and see 3 pieces of poop! I couldn't believe it and totally started screaming (most of you that know me, know that I tend to over react to pretty much everything). Cole takes one look and sees me screaming and jumps out of the tub with the scariest look on his face, while poor Olivia just stands there and starts crying. In my 3 1/2 years of bathing kids, they have never done this to me (and it was Olivia!!). Meanwhile, Jim walks in the room from getting the luggage and hears me screaming and comes running. However, once he realizes why I'm screaming, he starts saying "Gross, gross!". Turns around and walks out. Thanks alot honey!!! So after a little cleaning out of the tub and rinsing the kids off, we survived our little ordeal.
Olivia actually slept like an angel- either that, or she was too far away for us to hear her crying and we all happily woke up at 7:30 am. Not bad for vacation, right!
Unfortunately, we woke up to rain and lots of it. So much for our beach day with the new toys. We called Jim's friend Angie and she met up with us and her adorable 11 month old baby, Lucy, for breakfast at this supper yummy place called the "The Grove." I definitely recommend checking it out if you are ever there. We split the french toast and breakfast burrito and it was delicious! After breakfast, we headed back over to Angie's place to check out how the city folk live :-) We stayed there for a few hours and got to see her husbands photo studio, which was also very cool.

All in all, a great little break from the everyday life here in Rocklin!

Soda Springs...round 2

Well we attempted to take Cole skiing again since he had so much fun the first time and so we headed back up to Soda Springs. If you remember from my last post, we forgot glasses/goggles for the kids the first time around and we practically blinded them. So note that we learned from our experience.....Cole now has a super cool pair of goggles and we attempted to keep some glasses on Olivia's face.

Here the kids are getting ready to go.

You will also note that we have no more pictures from this "fun" ski trip. That is because Cole started crying from the moment we put the ski boots on him and pretty much didn't stop until we returned the skiis and the boots. Not sure what happened to him, but he was not feeling it that day and it wasn't much fun. Jim and I were both pretty bummed since we went through so much effort to get up there and out in the snow, but such as life. Sometimes you win, sometime you lose. I think our skiiing adventures are over for 2010, but we will try again in 2011 and hopefully he will enjoy it as much as he did the first time.

Why every child needs a father!!

Jim and I trade off bathing the kids each night. Right around 7:00 the nagging begins from me, "Time for bath time" or "Okay kids time to head upstairs" and I continue until the 3 of them are sick of hearing me nag and go on their merrily little way. The reason I look forward to this time so much is because it means 30 minutes of complete and total silence and time just for ME!! No one asking me for food, or asking me to take them to the bathroom or having to wipe noses, just complete silence. Ohhhh how I love it. Now how do I normally spend this precious time? Well usually I finish cleaning the dishes, picking up toys or putting laundry away. But I'm not complaining because at least it's just me and I don't have to answer to anyone. Everyone once in awhile I'll pour myself a glass of wine, plop by myself on the couch and turn the DVR on for some more "me" time.
Well the other night as I was putting laundry away, I walked into the bathroom and this is what I find. All 3 of my loves, floating on their backs, with water pracitically running over the edge and bubbles everywhere, and well, I just have to laugh. This is so Jim and so my husbands way of doing things. Those of you who know him, this will come as no suprise. There were dirty diapers on the ground, the clothes were thrown on the wet floor (instead of being in the hamper where I always make the kids put them) and socks sitting on the counter. But look at these kids, do they look happy or what. It made me realize once again, that sometimes all of my cleaning and organizing really doesn't matter. What matters is that these kids are happy and enjoying life. Do you think they will look back and thank me for always having clean sheets on their beds or towels? Hell no! But will they remember bathing with their daddy, YES!! And I know this because ever since then they ask me if I am coming in the bath with them tonight. So today, I am taking a lesson from my husband. Even though I am the full time mom around here, it doesn't mean I am always right and do things the way it should be done. Today I am going to try and focus more on them and less on the "things" that are always on my ever ending to do list. The house will never be as clean as I want and the stuff will never be organized the way I want it to be, but today I will start working on just making my kids happy and making memories with them. The rest of that stuff can wait.

Well as I was uploading the pictures, it occurred to me that the pictures I was planning on uploading with the smiling faces, were not exactly "G" rated if you know what I mean. Since this blog is public, I don't want to run the risk of someone calling CPS on me, so instead, this is the only "G" rated picture I can show :-( It's a bummer too because the other ones were pretty funny! If I was better at photo shop, I could probably fix them, but I'm not, so I won't!