Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Grandma comes to visit!!!

Last week my mom came up for 3 days to spend some time with us and hang out with the grand kids. We had a busy, fun-filled 3 days and really enjoyed having her here. Thanks for all of your help mom. Your welcome to come back anytime!!!

Cole and Grandma at "Wacky Tacky". I have to give her credit, she spent about an hour running around this place with Cole climbing walls, going down slides, crawling through tunnels and shooting balls and YES, she was sore the next day :-)

Grandma with her Granddaughter. She make not look like her, but the blue eyes are from her.


  1. Great Pictures!!! Who says she doesn't look like grandma? I see a resemblance!

    Cole looks like he had tons of fun!

  2. Do you think I could out-do her? I'm a little lighter now :)
