We decided to have Olivia's birthday party in San Diego so that she could celebrate with family and friends, so that party is going to be on October 18th (stay tuned for pictures). So for her real birthday we decided to go out to eat and have a low key night. We took her to a local sushi restaraunt and here our little girl is, all dressed up!
Opening up her present from daddy saying, "Ohhhhhh!"
Daddy's little princess :-)
Enjoying her chocolate lava cake for dessert!
Getting a hug from brother Cole, or is that a choke hold? It's hard to tell.
Her "real" present should be delived today (we got her a play kitchen) but in the meantime, she got this baby doll set. And yes, Cole has had just as much fun playing with it. He loaded up the crib with all of his tools from his toolbench and wouldn't let Olivia come near it.