Cole had another eventful Halloween. As most of you know, Jim has taken over the Halloween costume department for Cole two years in a row now, with him being Michael Phelps last year, followed by the one and only Michael Jackson this year!! Cole is such a good sport and goes along with whatever we tell him to do. We also entered him into a costume contest at a local frozen yogurt shop here. We dressed him up as Micael Phelps again (it was a warm day and we thought that he had a better chance with that one) and the kid actually won! He got a $100 gift certificate, so there will be lots of frozen yogurt in our future.
Stay tuned for Halloween 2010....Jim has already started brainstorming and Olivia will be able to participate in the tormanting next year :-)
Cole and Olivia all dressed up at our Playgroup Halloween party.
Mommy and M.J.
Daddy with the kids
Our adorable Playgroup! Notice Olivia in the front row, screaming her head off.
Michael Phelps at the fountains
Only a 3 year old can pull this off. The cutest little butt ever:-)
Cole and his buddy, Enrico
Olivia enjoying her "treats!"