Getting the kids all dressed and ready to go. And yes, Olivia could barely walk with all of that gear on.
Our little ski bunny!
Cole and Daddy getting ready to take off. Did I mention that it was soooo bright that day. Poor kids and daddy didn't have glasses or googles, they could barely see. We now know to buy glasses next time.
Olivia got a little bored waiting for her brother at the bottom of the slope. She was saying, "Check ya later mom, I'm outta here!"
Time for some sledding fun! They had a hill you could take the kids down or just tie them up to this machine thing that pulled them in a circle. Cole loved it, he couldn't take the smile of his face. Olivia wasn't so sure of it.
One last time on the skiis.
And within 5 minutes on our way home, this is what I turned around and saw.
That sled ride looks awesome! I'm glad your kids had so much fun, makes me want to plan a trip up to Arrowhead.