In all seriousness, they really do love each other. They fight A LOT, but when they aren't fighting, they are the best of friends. Olivia follows Cole around where ever he goes and will do anything he asks her to. And Cole does love her (at least this is what I keep telling myself :-), he is going to be so protective of her and I know he will always have her back. In fact, today at the park, he ran up to me crying because some little girl was making scary faces at Olivia and it was making her cry. He says to me with tears (and snot) running down his face, "Mommy, make her stop. I don't want her to scare my sister!". Awww, I love these kids!
And here is some more proof that he loves her. This past weekend she was inside playing dress up with her princess clothes and Cole wanted her to go outside and play "Star Wars". Whatever that means. Each time he plays the game it's a little different, but it usually involves lots of sticks and "killing" the bad guys in our backyard. Anyways, Olivia wanted him to dress up with her, and he wanted to play Star Wars and without any parental intervention...they COMPROMISED!! She took off her dress (but kept on the shoes) and wore his spiderman mask that he wanted her to wear to "kill the bad guys with" and he wore the princess shoes!! I go outside and this is how I find them. Cole was using that blue thing to pretend he was Astro boy.
Look how cute he looks in these shoes :-)
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