Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Noelle's wedding and our visit to Arrowhead

We flew down to Lake Arrowhead to go to one of my best friends from highschool wedding, Noelle Swedlow. It was a beautiful fall ceremony and she looked radiant. We've been friends since the 7th great and been through lots of highs and lows together. I'm so thankful we still keep in touch and I'm so glad I got to be there one of the most important days of her life. I love ya girl! Congratulations Noelle and Tony!!

While we were there we managed to to squeeze in some boat time on that beautiful lake. Here is Cole testing his driving skills.

Olivia was nice enough to take an 1.5 hour nap on the boat while we anchored in the a cove and enjoyed the beautiful day. Daddy and Cole were even brave enough to go for a dip in the cold water.


Cole hanging out with Moose
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1 comment:

  1. Cool enough! You seem to visit such a nice place for wedding. It's a great thing about destination parties. My sister in law also highly spoke about sea located San Francisco venues she went for her colleague's reception party few weeks back. Food tables were decorated in an attracted manner. Both bride and groom looked outstanding in matching attires.
