Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Big shout out to Jim!!!

So as I mentioned in my earlier post Jim has at an eventful couple of months. In January he was promoted to HSE (Health Systems Executive!) We are so excited and so proud of him. He has seriously worked his tail off this past year and it's so nice to see that his hard work is finally paying off. He essentially has the same job except that instead of covering Northern California/Northern Nevada, He now helps support other AE's in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and all of California down to Fresno. So the bad news is that it means alot more traveling but he is so excited about his new role and is really enjoying this job and on the bright side he is racking up a ton of southwest rapid rewards :-)
On day he found out about the promotion, the kids and I went out and bought balloons and decorated the house.

These are my two little "Star War characters" all dressed up and waiting for Daddy to get home!

So in addition to his promotion, we just found out this weekend that he made "Champions Club" for his Company, which is basically the top sales performers for the year. We are still waiting to hear what is final ranking is, but we know he made it in the Top 5!!! All of the employees that make the top 5 also get a fully expense paid vacation to Florida!!! Woot Woot! So Jim and I are off to Key Largo in April for 5 fun filled days! How cool is that? We snapped some pictures of Jim opening up his invitation.

Here's the little Fed Ex package he found waiting for him at the door.

Champions Club!!

The official invitation to Florida

We had to celebrate with some champagne :-)

And of course Cole wanted to help open it!

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