Sunday, July 25, 2010


Cole is a walking/talking commerical. Probably a sign that he watches too much TV, but he can recite pretty much all of them. For example, the other day he tells me we need to buy the sun setter and when I ask him why, his response was "Because it protects you from the suns harmful rays." Of course this is word for word what they say in the commerical. They always advertise for these butterfly kits during his afternoon cartoons and everytime he sees it he asks for them. When Jim and I were in Napa we saw the kit in a toy store and had to bring it home for him. It was actually REALLY cool and the whole family enjoyed receiving our 5 little caterpillars in the mail, watching them grow, build their cocoons form and then seeing them transform into butterflies. It is just as much fun as the commercial promises! I forgot to take pictures along the way, but here is our finished project on the day we decided to release them. Did you know the average life span of a butterfly is only 2-3 weeks :-( We would have enjoyed keeping them in their cage for longer, but with that short life, we needed to let them go.

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