Sunday, November 11, 2012

Arrggghhh a Pirate party

Getting dressed and ready for the paaaarty!

Introducing Captain Cole

The Plank...many thanks to Daddy for doing
such a great job. It was (and still is!) a big hit!!

Cole with the treasure map

Jim created a really cool "X" marks the spot, so our guests
and pirate would be able to find the buried treasure :-)

The cutest darn pirate you've ever seen

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Here we are (minus Olivia who was busy throwing a tantrum)!

Walking the plank

Olivia got over whatever it was she was upset
about and decided to join the family.

The whole clan

Now onto the food.... pirates booty

Pirates smile

The invitation and burried treasure

The decorations- a BIG thanks to Lisa and Kathleen and our
balloon artist - Nanna Millie

Ship wreck sails (blue jello, gummy fish and an orange)
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The food table (minus the cake which was in the freezer because
the entire front collapsed)

Cole, Enrico and Nolan

Nanna and Isabella, so cute!!

The Captain was filling his belly up with some grub

HIs friends

Mommy and Daddy

Aunty Kathleen and Aunty Lisa - they were soooo much help!

The Meyer's - Kathleen, Jim and Lisa

The Meyer ladies

The Meyer Family

Love, love this picture of you 3!

Cole answering the door when the pirate arrived (he had NO idea
that he was coming) and was VERY suprised.

Captain James, our host for the party

Introducing himself to Cole and figuring out their game plan

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Cole was given a treasure map and telescope to
help the Captain out as his first mate.

Playing games - this one was like "Simon Says", except they
were pirate commands, like "Walk the Plank," "Sawb the deck", etc..

Eventually they all got sent to walk the plank :-)

More games....

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Olivia was trying to learn how to sword fight

Cole was up next

The cake that took me about 6 hours and then collapsed :-(
Luckily Jim came to my rescue and helped put it bcak together
long enough for us to sing Happy Birthday and to cut up and eat.

The whole clan

The pirate ship with the cupcakes, which were supposed
to look like an island with a treasure map on them.

Our birthday boy, who was very excited about his cake!

How cute are they!

Captain James and the birthday boy
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Getting ready to sing

Make a wish

Time to open presents

Thank you to all of Cole's family and friends
for the gifts and for celebrating with him.

Izzy had to have her turn walking the plank!

Topping off their sugar high from the cake with a chocolate bar!

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