Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!

That's right folks! Our third child and second little girl will be making her appearance sometime in March. (Official due date is March 20, 2012). Jim, of course, is really hoping she comes on St. Patty's day as he happens to believe that St. Patty's day and Cinco De Mayo are two of the coolest birthdays. Why you may ask? Because everyone is out celebrating and drinking on your behalf of course! I told him that she will come when she is good and ready :-) After a somewhat rough first trimester, I have definitely turned a corner and I'm feeling pretty darn good. No more nausea, no more feeling like I need a nap everyday. Just enjoying feeling her move around and watching my belly grow. Sometimes it makes me sad to think this will be my last pregnancy (YES, we are done after 3!) and the last time I will experience this little miracle and feel the baby move around and sometimes I am very happy that this will be my last pregnancy. It definitely gets harder the older I get :-) So we are in the process (sort of) of picking out names and getting ready for her arrival. I think the kids finally understand that there is actually a baby in there and she will be making her appearance shortly. Cole loves to rub my stomach and give the baby hugs. I'm hoping he will be much more help this time around, considering he is now 5 instead of 2! So only about 4 months left and she'll be here!! Yikes!! Pictures from the ultrasound to follow. Jim is traveling and has his computer so I can't scan them tonight :-(


  1. You don't even look pregnant in your pictures, congrats! Girls are so fun ;).

  2. Thanks Chelsea!! We are excited! Hoping I can handle all 3! Tell Dusty hello from me :-)
